How to Know If Your Crush Has a Lover

It can be tough to know if your crush has a lover. You might be worried about making a move and getting rejected, or you might just be curious about their relationship status. Whatever the reason, there are a few things you can look for to get a better idea of whether or not your crush is single.

1. Talk to Your Crush

How to Know If Your Crush Has a Lover

This is the most direct way to find out if your crush has a lover. Just ask them! If they’re not interested in dating you, they’ll likely tell you so. And if they are interested, they’ll be happy to tell you about their relationship status.

Of course, talking to your crush can be nerve-wracking. But it’s the best way to get a definitive answer. If you’re too shy to ask them directly, you can try sending them a text or email. Just be sure to be respectful of their time and don’t be pushy.

Signs That Your Crush Is Single When You Talk to Them

  • They tell you they are single.
  • They don’t mention having a partner.
  • They seem interested in getting to know you better.

Signs That Your Crush Has a Lover When You Talk to Them

  • They tell you they are in a relationship.
  • They mention their partner several times.
  • They seem uninterested in getting to know you better.

2. Observe Their Social Media

How to Know If Your Crush Has a Lover

Social media can be a goldmine of information about someone’s relationship status. If your crush is in a relationship, they’ll likely post photos of themselves with their partner. They might also post about their relationship, or share links to articles about love and relationships.

Of course, not everyone posts about their relationship on social media. So if you don’t see any evidence of a partner on your crush’s social media, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re single. But it’s definitely something to keep in mind.

Signs That Your Crush Is Single on Social Media

  • They don’t post any photos of themselves with a partner.
  • They don’t mention having a partner in their posts.
  • They don’t share links to articles about love and relationships.

Signs That Your Crush Has a Lover on Social Media

  • They post photos of themselves with a partner.
  • They mention their partner in their posts.
  • They share links to articles about love and relationships.

3. Ask Their Friends

If you’re not comfortable talking to your crush directly, you can try asking their friends. Friends are often aware of their friends’ relationship status. And if your crush is in a relationship, their friends will likely be able to tell you.

Of course, asking your crush’s friends can be a bit awkward. So it’s important to be respectful of their privacy. Don’t be pushy, and don’t ask them directly if your crush is single. Instead, try to strike up a conversation and see if they mention anything about your crush’s relationship status.

Signs That Your Crush Is Single When You Ask Their Friends

  • Their friends say they are single.
  • Their friends don’t mention them having a partner.
  • Their friends seem to be supportive of you getting to know your crush better.

Signs That Your Crush Has a Lover When You Ask Their Friends

  • Their friends say they are in a relationship.
  • Their friends mention their partner several times.
  • Their friends seem to be unsupportive of you getting to know your crush better.

4. Observe Their Behavior Around You

How does your crush behave around you? Do they seem interested in you? Do they make eye contact with you? Do they smile at you? If so, these could be signs that they are single and interested in getting to know you better.

Of course, it’s important to remember that not everyone is comfortable being obvious about their feelings. So even if your crush doesn’t seem to be interested in you, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are in a relationship. But it’s definitely something to keep in mind.

Signs That Your Crush Is Single When You Observe Their Behavior

  • They smile at you.
  • They make eye contact with you.
  • They laugh at your jokes.
  • They touch you in a friendly way.

Signs That Your Crush Has a Lover When You Observe Their Behavior

  • They don’t make eye contact with you.
  • They don’t smile at you.
  • They don’t laugh at your jokes.
  • They don’t touch you.

5. Trust Your Gut

Sometimes, you just have to trust your gut. If you have a feeling that your crush is in a relationship, even if you don’t have any concrete evidence, it’s probably best to listen to your instincts.

Of course, it’s also possible that you’re wrong. But if you’re really concerned, it’s better to be safe than sorry. You can always ask your crush directly or ask their friends.

Signs That Your Crush Is Single When You Trust Your Gut

  • You have a feeling that they are single.
  • You don’t see any signs that they are in a relationship.
  • You think they would be interested in dating you.

Signs That Your Crush Has a Lover When You Trust Your Gut

  • You have a feeling that they are in a relationship.
  • You see signs that they are in a relationship.
  • You don’t think they would be interested in dating you.

6. Give It Time

If you’re still not sure if your crush has a lover, the best thing you can do is give it time. If they are in a relationship, it’s likely that they will eventually post about it on social media or mention it to their friends. And if they are single, they may eventually start showing interest in you.

It’s important to remember that you can’t force someone to be interested in you. If your crush is in a relationship, you need to respect their decision. But if they are single, there’s no harm in trying to get to know them better.



It can be tough to know if your crush has a lover. But by following the tips in this article, you can get a better idea of their relationship status. And if you’re still not sure, give it time. Eventually, you’ll find out. Just remember to always be respectful and considerate of their privacy.